Breastfeeding Support

Helping and supporting you and your family achieve your breastfeeding goals.

We can help you with:

– Positioning and attachment
– Mastitis
– Blocked ducts/recurrent blocked ducts
– Thrush
– Expressing
– Normal baby behaviour
– Babies with special needs
– Relactation
– Bottle feeding
– Colic and reflux issues
– Mixed feeding
– Faltering growth
– Starting solids

What is a Lactation Consultant?

Lactation consultants are professionals with extensive experience and in depth knowledge in supporting breastfeeding mothers.

The qualification is via a 4 hours degree level examination as well as at least 2500 hours of providing specialised support to breastfeeding mothers.

It is the highest recognised qualification in breastfeeding. Many people in the NHS and private sectors call themselves breastfeeding specialists but do not have the IBCLC credential. You can check that the person supporting you is on the IBCLCE register at this link

As Lactation consultants we have specialist skills to support mothers and babies with more complex issues such as prematurity, twins and multiples, poor weight gain and low milk supply.

Get in touch and see how we can help you

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